Aerial of factories

Warehousing + Policy


The changes and growth of logistics and warehousing (L&W) are critical to the economic development and overall quality of life in the Inland Empire. During the 2023-2024 academic year, CCS faculty and staff researchers hosted a series of in-person and virtual warehousing + policy webinars. With foci guided by prior research, industry, government, and community representatives were invited to share their perspective on key questions regarding the future of L&W industries and their impacts to the region. Their answers provide the basis for an exploratory analysis that surfaces recurring themes, challenges and opportunities, and potential policy solutions to combat the negative externalities associated with warehousing in the region.

CCS’ report summarizing these diverse regional perspectives is viewable below and helps to inform the Center’s future work—including scholarly research and practical application with regional stakeholders to promote promising policy solutions—on this important topic.

The Development of the Logistics & Warehousing Industries in the Inland Region: Opportunites & Challenges

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